Deep Water by William Douglas Deep Water shows how scared of water Douglas had been as a boy. His very first experience was when he first went to the sea beach with his father and a powerful wave swept over him. Although the wave had receded still it left him terrified. But then to overcome his fear. He made up his mind to learn swimming. He went to the Y.M.C.A. pool which was two feet at the shallow end and nine feet at the deep end. One day a strong big boy picked him up and threw him into the deepest part of the pool. He sank to the bottom but he tried to jump and come up gradually. As fear had gripped him all his efforts went in vain. He was nearly drowned. He tried to breathe but swallowed water. He lay there in complete peace without sensation or fear of death. But someone saved him. He was so terrified that the sight of water made him sick. He could not go fishing or canoeing. So to overcome his fear he found an instructor who trained him as a swimmer bit by bit. He ...